Featured Characters
Any of these characters can be added to your design for $5. They come as they are but colors can be changed. We can also draw a new custom character after your description. Check it out
Any of these characters can be added to your design for $5. They come as they are but colors can be changed. We can also draw a new custom character after your description. Check it out
Any of these gizmos can be added to your design for $5. They come as they are but colors can be changed. I have tons more things so ask me and I might have it or we can always draw a new thing you need for your design.
Have yourself drawn up as a caricature or get a new company mascot. We'll start with sketches after your ideas.
Check it out
Placing your design on a subway car or have it come flying out of a brick wall is cool and adds a particular flavor to the overall mode.
$5 to add to your design.
Check out All the backdrops here.
Contact me with your design ideas mindgem@gmail.com